01 December 2008

Bwana Asifiwe (Praise God)

I didn’t end up going to Kolowezi which was fine with me. The whole thing was really confusing though. I ended up preaching Wednesday and then there was a special service on Thursday (Thanksgiving) and I preached again then too. Friday we spent the whole day in Shituru and it was powerful. People were set free from demons and God worked on several people’s heart who have been running from God or a long time. Today we are going back and I am so excited to see what God will do.

I have also been teaching English again. I have some new students and one is a pastor. I am excited to have more opportunities to help these students learn more about Jesus. The person in charge asked me to take over the management side of things for him. I am pretty excited about that because I have so many ideas of how to make the English center better. I start this week.

On Thursday I spent hours hand washing clothes and then I went to church and unfortunately what I thought would be a one hour service was a 5 hour service and it rained and my clothes got soaked. When I arrived back home my clothes stunk and I was so sad to realize I would have to rewash almost all of them. So that’s what I did this morning. I need to hurry back home to get them in before it rains again. I am learning how to deal with the rains here. Kerosene has become my best friend. I just pour a little onto the charcoal and I get an instant fire. I had avoided using it because it is so expensive and I wanted to be a real Congolese, but at least for rainy season I’m cheating.

Still no electricity and my rook still leaks. I’m still trying to arrange for an interpreter to explain to me why it is taking so long. Hopefully things will be taken care of soon. In the mean time God has been blessing me. I had a cold on Thursday but by Friday it mysteriously disappeared so praise God! Thanks for your prayers.

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