15 September 2009

God Is up to Something Good!

It has been incredible. Before my Northern Katanga adventure I did a crazy 2 weeks of 8 sermons in 9 days. I was really praying God would give me revelation and he did. First off I’ve been teaching on intercession to a group who feel called to pray more. It has been so incredible. Every time I see the people from my group they are explaining concepts to their friends and encouraging their communities to pray. A hunger for prayer has been birthed and it is growing! Not only are people praying more but we are seeing God answer more than ever before!

Pastor Kabamba decided we would do 3 days on meetings at Shituru. We arrived early and met with people to talk about their needs, problems and questions. The Holy Spirit was with us powerfully and he would immediately speak to us and give us the perfect solution from the Word of God and we encouraged so many. People we had never even seen before heard about us and came. People are hurting so much but God is so big!

The Lord told me to preach a three part message on how the devil uses fear to kill steal and destroy us. It was awesome. I surprised myself with how well it went. People’s eyes were opened and were discouragement had reigned supreme encouragement took the throne, where fear had held them captive love and faith set them free. I could tell people were changing and looked forward to seeing the results.

Here are a few of their testimonies. Gisele has been fighting TB for a while and the pain in her lungs was so intense she could barely move. She is skin and bones and told her she thought she was going to die. The first day some people practically carried her to the meeting. The second day she hobbled on her on. The third day she walked as normally as I did. I asked her about it and she told me that whenever she walks to church God takes away all of her pain! I met with her again after that and she told me the Lord has spoken to her and told her she I supposed to go around visiting with people in her community using her testimony and the Word of God to encourage those who are discouraged!

A lady named Irene has been sick for months is also skin and bones no doctor knows what is wrong with her and she also thought she would die. Her husband has been out of work and they have no money left. By Tuesday she told her she felt her strength coming back and the pain diminishing. After the service a friend went to their house and told her husband a mining company would be looking for workers the next morning. Her husband woke up early to pray and then went to apply for the job. There were maybe 100 or more people there all looking for work. He recognized some of them as having been his previous bosses and knew they had more experience than he did. But he refused to be afraid or discouraged. The company only selected 10 people and he was one of them! His old boss was passed up for him, what a miracle! They are not keeping silent about how God has blessed them and through their testimony we are already seeing more people understanding that God loves them and is provider.

Another man named David has been out of work for over 6 months. He got word the day after the final meeting that someone wants to hire him! God is putting it all together. We even started the process of getting land for our church because of building is once again getting too small! Every time we go there people beg us to please talk with them. They tell us they have given up hope and are afraid but decided to give it one more try by asking us for help. A lady named Maria has been demon possessed for years with a demon that causes her to feel snakes crawling through her body and she scratches so much trying to make them stop she is covered head to toe in scabs. She is so afraid she can’t even sleep at night. Her family has disowned her saying she is a curse. We were able to tell her the truth of God’s word and she is changing. She slept soundly.

God is moving and I’m so excited to be apart of it. My parents and 2 men form the US are coming on Friday. Please pray for safe travel and a great trip here.

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