02 May 2008

Lubumbashi, the Government, and Preaching

I boarded an already overcrowded bus headed to Likasi with Gaston, a young man from our church who speaks English, as we started off a pastor began to preach the word of God and pray for our journey. When we reached the outer part of the city the bus stopped and the pastor got off to walk back into town. Gaston explained that there are many accidents in Congo so the bus drivers asked pastors to pray for their journey. I think it’s a wonderful tradition and so far so good no accidents. We arrived in Lubumbashi and I got to work figuring out how the government works and how to register everything properly in the Congo. Two trips later I still haven’t figured very much out. Every government official gives you a different story and a different price. As far as I can tell there are no fixed prices it’s all a negotiating game with corrupt officials. I can see why nothing was getting done while I was in Zambia. It does seem that with every meeting I have I find another piece to the puzzle. I think given enough time I will be able to figure things out. Thankfully I am connected with a lot of great people here who are helping me learn more. It is looking like I will return as a missionary for the church and then when possible begin to register Noah Ministries. Thankfully the church’s statues are very broad and will enable me to have freedom to do many projects. Plus missionaries are well respected. Because of Congo rich mineral wealth many outsiders have come to take but for hundreds of years missionaries have come to help. At every meeting people come late one man came over 5 hours late. My meetings are continually getting postponed at the last minute. It becomes incredibly frustrating to get things done here but polepole as they say in Swahili things are happening.
I was around English speakers or with a translator for a whole week so I feel like my French and Swahili has regressed. It makes me wonder if I will forget a lot when I return to Zambia. I sure hope not!
I was asked to preach in a church in the cité, the area the poor people live in, I loved it and the people. The pastor is incredible. Then this week I have been preaching a conference on a combination of Pentecost and the Bible. It has been incredible so far! Please be praying for the conference as it continues. Next week I am supposed to be going to another area for a few days to meet the local pastors. Pray it goes well.
Now for some testimonies! First of all in Kapolowe I was bitten by so many mosquitoes I am sure I made all the mosquitoes in the area obese. This is the worst time for malaria too. Every time I was awakened at night from the buzz of mosquitoes I would pray against malaria and it has now been long enough that I know God protected me from malaria. Also a woman I shared a room with got malaria so I know there were malaria mosquitoes in the room but God is good!
I visited a family who was so discouraged. They had dreams of becoming pastors but everything was going wrong and they were ready to give up. I encouraged them and immediately the man asked if he could accompany us as we encouraged others. He expressed that he realized the devil was trying to keep him from reaching his destiny and thanked us over and over again for helping him see that. I thank God for how he is moving. Also we are seeing sick people get healed. Not so much instantaneously but much faster than should be and God is getting all the glory. People are beginning to expect God is healing them which is a big step for a lot of these people. I thank God for how he is moving! I have also noticed that by now it’s like as soon as I enter a house God reveals to me the scripture to share and after I hear the problem it is confirmed to be perfect. It is wonderful to be lead by the Holy Spirit!

1 comment:

A Little McD said...


Just from your blogs...it is so evident that you are right where God wants you to be! It is so cool to be able to read your story as it unfolds and see God's hand at work in your life. Keep posting...I love reading your updates and seeing how you're doing. We love and miss you!
